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Class of 1974

Greetings WHS Class of ‘74!

Register here for our 50th Class reunion is coming - August 24th, 2024 at the Columbia Golf Course. It’s going to be an evening of great fun and celebration. View PDF of full Aug 23-25 schedule. This could be the last hurrah, so you’ll want to be there!  In addition to the event on August 24th there will be other activities going on that weekend that you will be able to opt into, including a tour of Washburn on the afternoon of August 23rd. Stay tuned; more details to come.

As co-chairs of the planning committee, we can assure you the work has begun and we have a wonderful group of 1974 classmates who are working to make it happen.  MANY thanks to the members of the planning committee -

That said, we need your help.  Tracking down current contact information for over 500 classmates is no small task.  Our “Finders Committee '' has been doing extraordinary work but we still have a ways to go.  Linked HERE you will find a list of classmates for whom we have no current contact information. We are asking you to please look over the list and see if there is someone for whom you have a current email address or cell phone number.  If you do, you can either type it in yourself in this document or send the information to so we can get them added to our database. We want to get the word to as many of our classmates as possible, as soon as possible!  

Help spread the word.  This is going to be a great evening of celebrating that you won’t want to miss!  Watch for further email blasts and check Facebook: Washburn Class of 74 or  for updates.

Cheer for the orange and blue!

Steve and Jenni (Knoll) Norlin-Weaver

Class of ‘74 Reunion Committee Co-chairs