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Welcome to the Counseling Department!

We help students with academics, personal/social, and college and career:

  • Academic assistance
  • Course registration
  • Students may request a schedule change by flling out this form.
  • Tracking progress toward graduation
  • Credit recovery opportunities
  • Postsecondary planning 
  • Ways to get involved and connected to Washburn 
  • Problem-solving and decision-making strategies
  • Referrals for support, including mental and chemical health services
  • Challenging life circumstances
  • Much more but for the sake of keeping this list somewhat brief, we'll leave it at this!

***For high school transcript and diploma copies:

-Visit the website

-Find the Parchment link associated with the respective high school.

-Click on the "new learner account" option to begin the process.

-Follow the instructions provided by Parchment to request the desired records.

-You'll find all the necessary pricing and information on the link provided. 


Student Presentations

If you click on a grade level you will
see the corresponding presentations
we have given over the course of the year.

  In This Section


Parent and Family Presentations

2023-2024 School Year

9/28/23 College Night

Intro Presentation

Writing a College Essay


Understanding the Common App

Large Regional Public Universities


2022-2023 School Year

3/23/23 10th and 11th Grade College Planning Night

Intro Presentation


9/29/22 Senior College and Financial Aid Night Videos and Presentations:

General Information slides and General Information video

Scholarship slides and Scholarship video

Financial Aid slides and Financial Aid video

Essay Writing video

University of Minnesota video

Highly Selective Admissions video


2021-2022 School Year

9/30/21 Senior College and Financial Aid Night Videos and Presentations:

     -General Information PowerPoint

     -General Info video

     -Essay Writing Session video

     -Scholarships Session video

     -University of Minnesota video

     -Financial Aid Session video


5/3/22 Postsecondary Planning Night Videos and Presentations:

      -Postsecondary Planning Intro Presentation

     -Finding a Good Fit for College Presentation

     -Videos of Sessions



Counseling Staff

Kelly Bloomer
Counseling Clerk

Clinton Ferguson
Students A-Fl

Herbert Crowell
Students Fo-La

John Pemberton
Students Le-Ra

Janessa Brackett
Students Re-Z


Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery


Students who are behind in credits can work with their counselor to enroll in Credit Recovery opportunities right here at Washburn through Alternative Learning Center (ALC) programs. We offer options during the school day, after school, and online.

If you are need credits in one cor more classes, we have options for you. We are here to support all of our students toward graduation and beyond!

Contact John Pemberton ( or 612-668-3412.

Geneyses Works

Genesys Works provides pathways to high school students in communities through skills training, meaningful work experience, and impactful relationships.  Students typically spend the summer before their senior year in an eight week (unpaid) internship, generally at a corporate office or governmental organization, and then continue throughout the school year working part-time in the afternoons.  Students will receive up to a $10,000 stipend with succesful completion of their work experience.  

A Genesys Works representative will be at Washburn in February each year to disseminate information.  Please the Career and College Center for more information.  A link is included below

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Please check with your counselor if you have any follow up questions!

Graduation Requirements guide

Graduation Requirements video

Graduation Requirements Frequently Asked Questions


En Espanol  

NCAA Registration for Athletes

NCAA Registration for Athletes

*Students interested in athletics at the NCAA level should connect with their counselor*


Click here for the NCAA Student Athlete Eligibility Center website

Click here for the NCAA Student Athlete Quick Reference sheet


Once registered, be sure to connect with counselor Herb Crowell to request a transript upload for the NCAA.  

*Students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch qualify for a NCAA fee waiver, see Herb Crowell if this applies to you. 

PSEO (Postsecondary School Education Options)


Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows public and nonpublic students in 10th, 11th and 12th grades to earn college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college nonsectarian courses at eligible postsecondary institutions. Students generate both college credit and high school credit by successful completion of the course. Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. Each participating college or university sets its own admissions requirements for enrollment into the PSEO courses. Eleventh and 12th-grade students may take PSEO courses on a full- or part-time basis; 10th-graders are eligible to enroll in PSEO on a more limited basis (see note below). Students must meet the PSEO residency and eligibility requirements and abide by participation limits specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09.


If you are interested in PSEO please click on the link below for the application steps for Normandale, Minneapolis College, and the University of Minnesota

Application Steps

Reasons to See My Counselor

Academic Counseling

Academic counseling is available to all students to help them understand their individual strengths, to set goals, and to assist them in planning an appropriate program of studies. Counselors, teachers and parents will work together to support and encourage all students in reaching their full potential.

Some of the areas in which a counselor can work with students and parents are:

  • Planning a high school program relevant to student's interests, abilities and post high school plans
  • Assisting students in selecting appropriate courses each year
  • Checking each student's progress through a review of quarterly report cards and interim progress reports
  • Consult with faculty regarding student performance
  • Counseling students experiencing academic difficulty and developing strategies for improvement, including referrals to various academic resources at the high school
  • Being available to meet with parents of all students
  • Reviewing credit status leading to graduation
  • Being available to meet with students and parents to review standardized test results


Post Secondary Counseling

College and career counseling is offered to all students. Designed to help students identify and clarify their abilities, interests and goals, post secondary counseling assists students in making appropriate educational decisions.

In order to assist students fully, the following activities take place:

  • Students will be encouraged to take appropriate standardized tests
  • Students will be encouraged to utilize the facilities of the College and Career Center which includes the use of Naviance and My Life Plan
  • Students are encouraged to schedule appointments with their counselor
  • Parents are encouraged to attend the college planning sessions in junior and senior year
  • Students and parents are encouraged to attend Junior Parent Night and financial aid programs, as appropriate
  • All juniors will receive a Post Secondary Planning Guide
  • Students complete a resume and college essay(s) to assist in preparing for the college process
  • Counselors will write letters of recommendation for students when needed
  • Counselors will direct students to a variety of available resources about colleges
  • Counselors maintain a current state of knowledge about colleges by attending conferences, visiting colleges and meeting with college representatives


Personal Counseling

School counselors, social workers, the school psychologist, alcohol and drug therapist and professionals in the school-based clinic are available to all students to assist them in managing the normal developmental issues that arise during adolescence. The Student Services staff will help students to enhance self understanding and to learn effective problem solving skills so that they are better equipped to deal with the variety of concerns that high school students encounter. Students, staff or parents may initiate individual counseling sessions. When warranted, referrals may be made to appropriate community resources.

Some of the issues and concerns that may be addressed include: 

  • Academic Performance
  • Peer Relationships
  • Transition / Adjustment Problems
  • Social Pressures
  • Emotional Concerns
  • Family Conflicts
  • Community Influences
  • Reproductive health
  • Drug and Alcohol concerns

School Profile

Social Workers

Social Workers

Social Worker Information for the 2023-24 School Year.  Social Workers loop with their students through each grade:



Social Worker



Kara Lattu



Willie Moss



Missy Lee



Michelle Nelson


Behavior Support

Preferred Name Change Request Form